Nekojiru dango | ねこぢるだんご
Chapter 1 - Fishman | 半魚人
Chapter 2 - Livestock | かちく
Chapter 3 - The stray old geezer | のらじじいの巻
Chapter 4 - The drive | ドライブの巻
Chapter 5 - The fight | けんかの巻
Chapter 6 - The seals | あざらしの巻
Chapter 7 - The old pig man | ぶたじじいの巻
Chapter 8 - The Tanki hunt | たぬきがりの巻
Chapter 9 - Tsunami | つなみ

Translation by Swarm and TranslatingNekojiru.

The individual chapters of Nekojiru dango were serialized across scola magazine (スコラ) and manga japanda (まんがジャパンダ) between 1994 - 1996.
Fishman, livestock and Tsunami are original stories that first appeared in the 1997 Asahi sonorama (朝日ソノラマ) publication of Nekojiru dango.

Asahi sonorama re-released Nekojiru dango in 2002 as part of their sonorama comics library (ソノラマコミック文庫) series.

Left: 1997 cover art
Right: 2002 cover art